Hadiah Rumah buat Kido/Hendra


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Ganda putra peringkat satu dunia Markis Kido/Hendra Setiawan, Rabu (14/10), menerima rumah dari Yayasan Jaya Raya sebagai penghargaan atas keberhasilan mereka meraih medali emas Olimpiade Beijing 2008. Rumah yang letaknya bersebelahan di Vania Permata, Permata Bintaro, No EIA-23 dan EIA-25 yang sudah diserahkan secara simbolis setahun lalu itu diserahkan langsung oleh Ketua Pembina Yayasan Jaya Raya Ir Ciputra dan Wakil Ketua PBB PBSI I Gusti Made Oka.
"Dulu membayangkan bisa enggak saya punya rumah sendiri, ternyata sekarang kesampaian," ujar Hendra Setiawan sesaat setelah serah terima. Pebulutangkis kelahiran 25 Agustus 1984 itu juga senang karena setelah diundi ia mendapat rumah dengan nomor sesuai tanggal lahirnya, 25.
Sementara Kido, yang mendapat rumah nomor 23, mengatakan, untuk sementara rumah tersebut masih akan dikosongkan. "Sekarang saya masih tinggal di asrama (Cipayung), dan belum menikah," katanya.

Dalam sambutannya, Ketua Umum PB Jaya Raya, Rudy Hartono, mengaku senang karena hingga saat ini Jaya Raya masih tetap mencetak prestasi. Bagi Jaya Raya, medali emas yang diraih Kido/Hendra di Olimpiade Beijing 2008 adalah emas olimpiade ketiga yang diperoleh pebulu tangkis Jaya Raya setelah Susy Susanti di Barcelona 1992, dan pasangan Candra Wijaya/Tony Gunawan di Sydney 2000.

Saat ini sebanyak 21 atlet dari klub yang berdiri pada 1976 itu mengisi Pelatnas Cipayung, terdiri atas sembilan pemain pelatnas utama termasuk di antaranya Kido dan Hendra dan 12 pelatnas pratama. (ANT)

Parental Statement Part 2


We usually discuss about our life when we have dinner together every day. We are sure that Ulum will get homesick for a while there, because he is a person that’s like to share everything to other people that he believe. But with loving support of his host family, he will get over this. Ulum ever stay away from his family when he must stay in school dormitory in a year. He can adapt well there and meet many new friends. He is very close to his friends. He has many friends and make a good relationship to each of them although they are not in the same school. He often play football together with his friends in junior high school. He don’t forget about relation of friends. Ulum also has some weakness. Sometimes, he is not punctual. He often delay his assigments from school. And then he will be very busy when that assigments must be collected tomorrow, although he is always able to finish it.
Ulum is very interested in sports. He can play football and basketball well. He also often go swimming. But we know that he likes to play mini soccer. Beside that he also follow every new news in football. He sometimes watch a local team play football in stadium. Now, he is very busy with his study. Because he join acceleration class and will graduate from senior high school in two years. We are sure that Ulum will enjoy his time in joining AFS program and be able to adapt there.

Parental Statement Part 1


Parental Statement for Muhammad Bahrul Ulum

Ulum is the first child of our five children. He has one younger brother, Khatami, and three younger sisters, Nurul, Dila, and Nana. We often do many activities together. Ulum is particularly close to Nurul whom he likes to share her feelings. They are very close because the distance of their age is only a year. Because of it, they know and understand each other. Ulum sometimes clashes with Khatami, because they stay on the same bedroom, and they sometimes disturb each other. But it is only the way for them to be close. After that they are soon friends again. Ulum usually help Nana and Khatami to make their homework when they do not understand about the lesson. Ulum and Dila usually go swimming together. They have the same hobby, swimming. Ulum often teaches Dila in operate computer. He can do it well. He is a responsible person. We are as his parents order him to lock our door in house every evening. Ulum are able to know which one is good and which one is bad for him. We believe on him. He is free to do everything because he always share everything to us. He is an honest and independent person. Ulum is close to both his Mom and Dad. But he likes to share his feelings to his mom. Because his mom can give some advice from his problem. He likes to share an important thing with his Dad, for instance his participate in joining AFS.

Letter Part 2


I am an ambitious person. I like to try something new in my life. Because of it I apply for the AFS program. I want to have an experience that I will not forget about it. I can share that experience in joining AFS program with my friends, my teacher, my parents, and every people in my location. Because I want to make my country Indonesia become better than now. I also want to open my knowledge without any distance of the location. I want to get many new friends abroad. I will share to them social culture of my country Indonesia. I want to be able to speak other languange well. I really want every country in the earth do not wage war because we are the same, we are a human. I am sure that people in any different culture can life in a peace and loving place together. I will proove it if I can go abroad and stay there with AFS program. I will be able to adapt well in my new environment although there is no person that come from the same place with me. With joining AFS program, I hope I will get my best future.
I don’t like to see people quarell each other. I don’t like to see they are not able to control their emotion. Fortunately, I can control my emotion well. I also a human that have many weakness. I am not a punctual person. And I often be late to do something. My friends ever said it to me. And I am trying to mend it. I should be punctual because life is very fast now.
The environment is become an obstacle for me to be succes, because if I see my friends are very lazy, I also become lazy. I often only follow my friends in my life. But, fortunately I choose a good school and acceleration class. Because in there I can see the people that want to have a good future. And it make my spirit become better to study and do positive things.
I already plan for my future. I want to be an engineer in electronic technique or oil and gas engineering. I want to take benefit from many oilwell in Indonesia. I want to make the people in this country become prosperous because of it. I also want to make my family become pround of his son. I also want to go abroad because I want to follow my father that has stayed in France to take college in chemical technique there. He always motivate me and I want to proove to him if I also can to be like him. I will do with very maximum effort as I can to achieve my willing in the future.

Letter Part 1


Muhammad Bahrul Ulum Indonesia

I am a fun person who think that relationship with human is very important. I like to make new friends in my life. And I also enjoy spending my time with my friends. I always there when my friends need help from me. My friends said that I was a helpful, loyal, and kind person. I am able to adapt with new environment and conditions that changes in my life well. I really like something new happen in my life. For me, new environments will make my life become more challenging and interesting. I am fairly independent as I have lived in dormitory for a year when I was on the first grade of senior high school. I love my family so much. My parents said that I was a responsible person that know which one is good and which one is bad.
As a family, we do many activities together. My family and I always have dinner together. Because in the evening we will gather together in our house and share everything that we have done during the day. I tell everything to my family especially an important problem that I have. For instance my participate in AFS. My parents really support me to join this program. And I also take many advice from them because I know their advice is for my best. As the first child in my family, I become a leader for 4 of my younger sisters and brother. I want me and them be a succes person in the future. I always help them to do their homework if there is a question that they do not know.
My first younger sister and I go to the same school. We are so close each other because the distance of our age is only a year and because of it we know our activities. I am fond of sports. I like to play futsal and soccer. I join soccer team in my school. I also go swimming once in two weeks. I really like to play with water, for instance play in waterboom and swimming. But, the sport that I can play very well is futsal. Because I don’t have enough stamina to play soccer well. Beside that, I join scientifiq club in my school. I often make research about social phenomena in my country. I like to do it because it make my knowledge become larger than before. The most important activities is school. I want to have a best future. And I spend much time to study, but I don’t like people order me to study because I only study if I am on the good mood. Because at that time, I can keep my concentration well to study. Now, I also make preparation for national examination because I am an acceleration class student that will graduate from senior high school in two years.

Share Tentang AFS


Mau share nih tentang program pertukaran pelajar AFS ke luar negeri. Waktu itu aku ikut dan sekarang sudah memasuki tahap akhir. Apakah bisa lulus dan berangkat atau tidak, kita tidak tahu. Yang jelas sekarang cukup berdoa saja dan berharap. Namun, kalau pun tidak lulus tidak akan menjadi masalah yang besar karena ini merupakan pengalaman berharga untuk ikut test. Ini adalah dokumen surat buat calon orang tua angkat dan pernyataan orang tua. Selamat melihat.

Kutub Bakal Tak Punya Es


KOMPAS.com — Para peneliti meramalkan, Laut Artik (kutub) akan bebas es pada musim panas dalam satu dekade mendatang. Setelah musim semi berlalu, para peneliti kembali mengukur ketebalan es sepanjang 450 kilometer dengan rute menyeberangi Laut Beaufort. Mereka menemukan sebagian besar es sangat tipis. Pemimpin ekspedisi dan pakar es lautan dari University of Cambridge, Peter Wadhams, mengatakan, pada musim semi tahun lalu rata-rata ketebalan es hanya 1,8 meter, menandakan usia lapisan itu sekitar satu tahun. Sementara itu, es yang sudah bertahun-tahun sekitar 3 meter.

Tipisnya lapisan tersebut menjadi indikasi penting kondisi memprihatinkan es di Laut Artik. ”Secara sederhana, es tipis itu akan sekejap hilang pada musim es mulai meleleh,” ujarnya. Angin dan arus laut dapat pula memecah es yang tipis itu. Es yang terpecah dan mengapung bebas akan mudah terdorong ke wilayah perairan yang lebih hangat dan mencair. Catlin Arctic Survey dan kelompok konservasi internasional WWF mendukung penemuan tersebut.

Situasi es di Artik tersebut sangat dipengaruhi iklim dan kondisi alam. Kondisi es di Laut Artik kerap pula dikaitkan dengan perubahan iklim dan pemanasan global. (INE)

Buruan... Beasiswa SF untuk 6 Mahasiswa UI dan ITB!


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Tahun ini, Sampoerna Foundation (SF) menyediakan program beasiswa sarjana S1 Bidang Studi Ekonomi dan Teknik kepada 6 anak muda Indonesia, yang tidak mampu secara ekonomi, tetapi menunjukkan prestasi akademis cemerlang.
Selain itu, calon penerima beasiswa harus memiliki kepribadian terpuji serta jiwa kepemimpinan yang tinggi untuk menempuh pendidikan sarjana di bidang Ekonomi di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia (FEUI) dan bidang Teknik di Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) untuk jangka waktu tidak lebih dari empat tahun.

Selain bisa membuktikan kebutuhan tunjangan keuangan untuk melanjutkan sekolah berdasarkan surat keterangan tidak mampu, syarat umum bagi pendaftar beasiswa adalah harus memiliki nilai akademik minimum rata-rata 7,00 selama masa SMA (kelas X sampai dengan kelas XII).

Calon pendaftar pun harus terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa baru angkatan tahun akademik 2009/2010 di FEUI dan ITB. Beasiswa yang diberikan ini mencakup biaya pendaftaran, biaya pendidikan, uang saku untuk mendukung biaya hidup selama masa kuliah, tunjangan buku untuk membeli buku teks yang dibutuhkan selama masa kuliah, dan tunjangan internet.

Formulir pendaftaran bisa diambil di Kampus UI, Depok, (021-7863524), ITB (022-2500935), atau mengunjungi www.sampoernafoundation.org/, atau mengambil langsung di Putera Sampoerna School of Education lantai 5, Jalan Kapten Tendean No 88 C, Jakarta Selatan. Pendaftaran selambat-lambatnya sampai 30 Oktober 2009 dan tidak berdasarkan cap pos.

JK Refuses The Brand of "Spare Tire"


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - The position of vice president is being wrongly compared to a "spare tire" because the vice president actually assists the president in his tasks, outgoing Vice President Jusuf Kalla said here on Monday.
"In my opinion, it is wrong to say that the vice presidential position is just like a ’spare tire’ in a car. If it is true, then it is a matter of time for the tire to leak or burst," Kalla said at a function to hand in a memory book on the vice presidential position to Vice President-elect Boediono at the vice presidential office here on Monday.
It was the first ever official function attended by outgoing Vice President Jusuf Kalla and Vice Presiden-elect Boediono. The vice president explained further that based on the 1945 Constitution, the president, in carrying out his tasks, is to be assisted by the vice president.

According to Kalla, it was also wrong to say that by helping to get things done for the president, the vice president was functioning like a "servant." He said if he wanted to help someone by getting him or her some drink, it did not mean that he was a servant.

Therefore, Kalla reiterated that the vice-presidency was not comparable to a spare tire in a car. "Perhaps it is more correct to say that the vice presidential position is like a co-driver who can remind the driver to turn right or turn left," Kalla said, adding that if the vice president was said to be a mere spare tire, it was a violation of the Constitution.

Meanwhile, Vice President-elect Boediono said on the occasion that he admired Jusuf Kalla for his ability in taking effective actions. "Thank you, I now have been reminded not to become a spare tire," Boediono said, admitting that during his interaction with Kalla, the latter was good at making the situation lively.

Hidayat: "Sesama Ketua MPR Tak Boleh Saling Mengomentari"


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Mantan Ketua MPR Hidayat Nur Wahid awalnya enggan mengomentari sejumlah kesalahan pengucapan yang dilakukan oleh Ketua MPR terpilih Taufik Kiemas dalam acara pelantikan dan pengambilan sumpah Presiden dan Wapres terpilih di Gedung MPR/DPR RI, Selasa (20/10).
Sambil berseloroh, Hidayat mengatakan 'sesama Ketua MPR tak boleh saling mengomentari'. Namun, berdasarkan pengalamannya ketika duduk di kursi tersebut, Hidayat mengatakan persiapan pidato khususnya script pidato sudah dilakukan beberapa hari sebelumnya. "Dulu saya yang membuat sendiri, menyiapkannya dan dipelajari lagi. Tapi bisa saja diberi Sekjen. Nah, tadi menurut Sekjen, (script) sudah diberi (kepada TK), sudah diajari oleh Sekjen juga," tuturnya.

Tadi pagi, suami Ketum PDI-P Megawati Soekarnoputri ini beberapa kali salah mengucapkan atribut nama, gelar dan jabatan sejumlah tokoh penting yang hadir. Mulai dari melupakan nama BJ Habibie dan Jusuf Kalla bahkan salah mengucapkan nama SBY sendiri.

Calon Menteri Departemen


5. Menteri Dalam Negeri: Andi Alfian Malarangeng (Partai Demokrat)
6. Menteri Luar Negeri: Marty Natalegawa (Dubes RI di PBB)
7. Menteri Pertahanan: Djoko Suyanto (Mantan Panglima TNI)
8. Menteri Hukum dan HAM: Ruhut Sitompul (Partai Demokrat)
9. Menteri Keuangan: M Chatib Basri (FEUI)
10. Menteri Pertambangan dan Energi: Tubagus Haryono (Kepala BPH Migas)
11. Menteri Perindustrian & Pedagangan: MS Hidayat (Kadin)
12. Menteri Pertanian: Dr Ir Herry Suhardiyanto (Rektor IPB)

13. Menteri Kehutanan: Taufik Effendy (Partai Demokrat)
14. Menteri Perhubungan: Prof. Dr. Sutanto Soehodho (UI)
15. Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan: Dr Ir Mohammad Jafar Hafsah (Partai Demokrat)
16. Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi: M Jumhur Hidayat
17. Menteri Pekerjaan Umum: Prof Dr Ir Budi Soesilo Supandji (Dirjen Potensi Pertahanan Dephan)
18. Menteri Kesehatan: Dr dr Fachmi Idris (Ketua Umum IDI)
19. Menteri Pendidikan Nasional: Anis Rasyid Bawesdan (Rektor Univ. Paramadina)
20. Menteri Sosial: Hidayat Nur Wahid/Tifatul Sembiring (PKS)
21. Menteri Agama: Dr Salim Segaf Al Jufri (PKS)

Sriwijaya FC Tak Permasalahkan Usia Duric


(Vibizdaily - Sepakbola) Juara Copa Dji Sam Soe IV musim kompetisi 2008-2009 Sriwijaya FC (SFC) menyatakan tak mempermasalahkan usia Alexander Duric yang telah mencapai 39 tahun. Striker timnas Singapura ini, tetap dibidik SFC untuk menjadi skuad "Laskar Wong Kito" musim kompetisi 2009-2010, kata Hendri Zainuddin, Vice President Technic PT Sriwijaya Optimis Mandiri, Kamis di Palembang.

"Usianya memang terbilang tua tapi tubuhnya masih bugar dan fit sebagai persepakbola, sehingga masih layak direkrut oleh klub manapun, termasuk SFC," kata Hendri.
Hal ini dikatakannya menanggapi keraguan para penggemar SFC terhadap performa Duric, mengingat usianya sudah terbilang uzur sebagai pesepakbola.
"Kami tidak akan bergeming untuk merekrut pemain ini, meskipun usianya sudah tua. Karena, kami yakin dia berbeda dibandingkan pesepakbola lain. Di usia 39 ini, dia masih menunjukkan permainan bagus dan sangat bisa diandalkan, sangat berbeda dengan pesepakbola lain yang mungkin sudah tidak bisa apa-apa lagi di saat menginjak usia 39 tahun," ucap dia.
Dia mengatakan, pemain ini akan diproyeksikan SFC untuk mengisi kuota pemain asing Asia yang berjumlah dua orang.

Regulasi PT Liga Indonesia musim ini menetapkan setiap klub diperbolehkan diperkuat oleh tiga pemain asing non Asia dan dua pemain asing Asia. Sejauh ini, SFC baru memenuhi satu kuota pemain Asia yang ditempati oleh Precious Emuejeraye, defender Timnas Singapura. Sedangkan tiga pemain asing non Asia ditempati oleh Keith Kayamba Gumbs (St Kitt And Nevis), Zah Rahan (Liberia) dan Anoure Obiora Richard (Nigeria).

"Kita serius mendekati Duric dan proses negosisasi tengah berjalan. Kepastiannya, setelah lebaran dan saat ini kami sedang menunggu jawaban dari Duric," ujar dia.

Dia menambahkan, jika menemukan kata sepakat dalam proses negosiasi ini, Duric akan bergabung bersama SFC pada pertengahan Oktober 2009, seperti halnya Precious.
"Liga di Singapura akan berakhir pada tanggal 4 Nopember, sehingga pemain asal Singapura tidak dapat bergabung saat kompetisi Liga Super telah bergulir tanggal 11 Oktober 2009," kata dia lagi.

Duric merupakan pesepakbola kelahiran Serbia yang menjadi warga negara Singapura. Ketajamannya membuat Timnas Singapura melakukan naturalisasi untuk mendapatkan jasanya. Bahkan, dia kini mengenakan ban kapten Timnas Singapura. Saat ini, Duric memperkuat klub Liga Utama Singapura, SAAF Singapore dan tercatat sebagai top skorer liga Singapura dengan kemasan 24 gol dari 26 kali bermain. Secara terpisah pelatih Rahmad Darmawan menyatakan menginginkan Duric menjadi skuad besutannya musim ini.

Meski terbilang uzur, dia tidak meragukan kemampuan Duric, mengingat fisik pemain asing memiliki kelebihan sehingga bisa beradaptasi dengan Liga Super Indonesia.

"Jika ada pemain yang bermain seperti Kayamba (pemain asing SFC yang telah berusia 36 tahun), maka saya tidak akan ragu mengambilnya, termasuk jika Duric yang disodorkan," ujar Rahmad.


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